Vladimir Shklyarov: Der russische Ballettstar, der Putins Invasion in der Ukraine kritisierte, stirbt nach dem Sturz vom Gebäude


Von MastodonOk8087


  1. ButterscotchSure6589 on

    To keep it in context, the criticism of the war was two and a half years ago. However, this is Putin’s Russia, and it is also the states preferred method of murder. So who knows.

  2. rantheman76 on

    We are currently at the stage where dictators don’t even pretend to hide anything anymore.

  3. Common_Brick_8222 on

    Russia lives in a state where the authorities almost openly say, “Yes, we killed him, so what are you going to do with us?”

  4. MasterGenieHomm5 on

    There are no bigger hypocrites than Russian authorities and Russophiles who talk about Christian values and imperialism, while they are themselves the furthest away from anything good or Godly.

    RIP Vladimir Shklyarov, you were too good of a human being to survive Russia.

  5. They should really hire somebody and fix their windows for god sake /s

  6. > “went out onto the balcony to get some air and smoke” and “lost his balance”

    Not just a pro dancer but a ballet star lost balance to the point of falling from the balcony. Shit – they are full of it.


  7. RemnantOfSpotOn on

    People really need to decide what they want… criticising putin and not visiting buildings with more than the ground floor or

    Support Putin and enjoy views from high buildings…

    Cant have both

  8. Intelligent-Soil-257 on

    I am wondering why not mr Poo’s famous tea with novichok

  9. Icy_Faithlessness400 on

    I guess Putin took “break a leg” a bit too literally.

  10. Thetwitchingvoid on

    This is fairly comical how many critics just…die.

    Like, wtf 😂 

  11. gutsy_pleb on

    Damn, this was like the 25th time I read where someone died by falling down from a building kinda surprised they were all critics.

  12. nevetz1911 on

    Well it has been some time since the last fall from either a window or a balcony or whatever, I was starting to get worried

  13. We need a modification to the term “defenestration” in order to account for this.

  14. ArchitectNebulous on

    Honestly tired of how many people on reddit love making jokes at assassinations like this.

    The people dying are usually the ones opposed to Putin’s fascism – why the fuck are you making jokes at their death?

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