Selenskyj sagte, der Krieg in der Ukraine werde unter Trumps Präsidentschaft „schneller“ enden


  1. its1968okwar on

    That’s probably true. It really looked like Biden wanted it to go on forever – give them just enough to keep going and kind of defend themselves but not really.

  2. ManufacturerLost7686 on

    That completely depends if Trump thinks Putin will launch.

    On one hand, giving Ukraine a metric fuckton of weapons which ends up eliminating 95% of the pre war actively serving russian military, for a fraction of the US military budget and no american servicemen lost, is a very good deal for US interests. Trump could absolutely view it this way.

    On the other hand, picking a fight with a nuclear power over a country that is not a vital partner is not in the interests of the US.

    Its a crapshoot how hes gonna act. Israel is a strategic partner, Taiwan is a vital business partner, but Ukraine is not that important from a US standpoint. Ukraine is an important partner for many countries, but not specifically the US.

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