Europa nach Prozentsatz der Rothaarigen

Von mrjohnnymac18


  1. It’s weird that blue eyes, a recessive gene, is so widespread, yet red hair which used to be more common in ancient history is not as widespread.

  2. elviajedelmapache on

    This map, besides posted million times is not mapporn. it’s low quality and makes a weird distinction randomly throughout Spain.

  3. minaminonoeru on

    The red-haired regions in inland Russia and those in Scotland and Ireland are likely to have formed independently, without mutual interaction, each due to their own distinct causes.

  4. AfterCompote6590 on

    Weren’t redheads descended from giants with 12 fingers and 12 toes? Lol

  5. AintGoingtoGoa on

    It’s always so weird when I travel from Glasgow to Edinburgh and look at all these non-ginger haired freaks.

  6. ClassyKebabKing64 on

    I hate that the lakes have a different colour than the sea.

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