Hallo zusammen. Im August ging ich (25F) zur jährlichen Kontrolluntersuchung zum Arzt und gestern (nach drei Monaten) bekam ich die Rechnung und konnte alle überprüften Werte und Werte sehen. Ich hatte noch nichts von meinem Arzt gehört, was in Deutschland offenbar sehr häufig vorkommt, wenn die Ergebnisse in Ordnung sind.

Ich bin kein Arzt und kenne mich mit Untersuchungen oder Ähnlichem nicht aus, aber in meinem Heimatland ist die Blutuntersuchung viel gründlicher, ich spreche von zwei ganzen Seiten, die mit unterschiedlichen Ebenen und Werten gefüllt sind.

Ist das in Deutschland normal? Soll ich gezielt nach Dingen fragen, die überprüft werden sollen?


Von SuspiciousCherry3075


  1. Blood checks are very uncommon in Germany in general, unless you have an underlying disease that needs monitoring. I know it’s much more common in other countries, but be advised that at some point in the near future you might have to cover the expense for a blood check all by yourself.

    General advice: as long as you don’t hear from the doctor, you’re fine. Especially when it was just a general blood check with no symptoms. They simply have no time to go through results.

  2. Neat_Organization_83 on

    Here comes the truth: checking the lab values in your blood does not make any sense.
    Without a symptom a discrepancy in those values is much more often a false positive result (false alarm so to speak) than a real result.
    In many countries including Germany doctors and lots of other people make good cash with those kinds of check ups. So yeah the reason why you get more in your homecountry is simply that the healthcare system provides for it, or your doctor convinced you you need those and you pay private.

  3. therealforcejump on

    The point “Blutbild” as some more values to it. Not enough to fill two pages with it. But there’s the values of the blood cells for example…

  4. yami_no_ko on

    This looks like a “kleines Blutbild” to me, which is a “small blood smear.” This is in contrast to a “großes Blutbild,” which I believe you were referring to.

  5. ICD9CM3020 on

    If you have any specific concerns the doctor will pick and test the values that matter and this will be paid for by the health insurance. It’s not common to simply test everything, though they will happily sell it to you if you’re paying yourself. Perhaps Großes Blutbild is what you’re looking for?

  6. That other page is blutbild. Basically they itemize out your every individual group of blood cells. This is plenty testing for an asymptomatic 25 year old.

  7. I‘m a doctor and this seems like a very reasonable and standard blood work for a 25 year old woman. They checked your blood cells and hemogmobin (Blutbild), liver function, kidney function, cholesterol and triglycerides (fat content in the blood) and iron.
    I would not check more in an otherwise healthy young woman unless there’s a specific problem.

    You can ask for specific lab results that you would like to know, but they might refuse if the doctor does not see reason to check for it (e.g. someone might ask to get a specific cancer marker checked but the doctor can refuse to check it if there’s no reason to believe the patient might have this type of cancer). Something extra I usually ask for once a year is my thyroid hormones, nothing more.

    It‘s also normal to get the bill after months, sometimes after more than half a year.

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