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This feels so disingenuous. He and the democrats had 4 years to prevent fascists from rising to power, instead they sat around going “oh no, what ever will i do”, burned tons of time/money/resources on building cases, then dismissing them and rolling out the red carpet for dictator mchamberder.
Bravo. Well done. So long and thanks for all the crumbs. Or something.
History was watching when you chose Marrick Garland as AG and then sat on your hands while that chickenshit prayed to the norms instead of putting Trump away for the rest of his disgusting life. Now history will watch America sink into fascism.
This guy can fuck right off TBH.
Did the other president’s stand when they visited?
Why didn’t he do anything when he was in power then?
This administration managed to make real progress on climate policy.
It’s going to be really depressing to see most of it get rolled back.
He’s literally had 4 years to do this
I’m way more surprised Teddy didn’t go to the Amazon to kill one of everything
Ain’t gonna be no history after we burn earth to a crisp. The universe will proceed in its unconscious expanse as if we were never here at all.
Sir! Very brave to do this when you are at the end of your presidency and political career with nothing left to lose. Bravo!
History is watching YOU, Joe!
You’re about to hand over the keys to the entire country to Russia.
you can still make history, sir
Damn, Amazon has gotten so big they bought a rain forest….. /s
…… and he didn’t nuke it???
I don’t believe there will be any action on climate change anymore. Geopolitical>climate change
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
You do not get to lecture us on Climate Change, sir. Your generation built the infrastructure upon which our planet destroying system sits. You are going to be dead within the next 36 months. You had a chance to make a difference as the most powerful human being in history and yet you did nothing.
Since its formation, has there ever been a time that history *wasn’t* watching the USA?
Doddering old fool
Revisionist powers trying to destabilize the international liberal order and climate change are the biggest challenges we have to face as humanity and Donald Trump got elected to.. help them accelerate even more.
Biden increasing his average holiday time far above 40%, travelling on taxpayers bill. This guy will be remembered for his lack of vision and his clumsy, dated tactics.
I have come to the realization that many people don’t care about climate until we are at the core of it. When all shit will break loose (earthquake every other week, insane heat, wildfires on cold months etc.) then people will start screaming.
You can see it even on reddit, anytime any climate protesters protest no matter where, bunch of folks runs for the defense of elites/billionaires. We are fcked if the mentality is not changed fast and people start listening to scientists.
“Where are the penguins?” – Biden in the Amazon.
Neat, now get back to the WH and pack the courts before you go…
Was he able to get them to stop cutting and burning the rain forest down?
Now? NOW?!?
cool. the vibes will last 64 more days. thanks for nothing joe.