Da der Canada Pension Plan eine Netto-Null-Grenze anstrebt, sitzt einer seiner Investmentmanager im Vorstand einer Ölgesellschaft und ist gegen eine Emissionsobergrenze – Lakeland News



  1. DickSmack69 on

    Umm just a note on the idea that there’s something unsavoury about CPP on boards (leaving aside the rest of the nonsense in the article), they have always taken board seats, no different than any other investment manager.

  2. BSDnumba123 on

    It would be swell if they could focus on generating high returns for low cost with the money they have confiscated from us.

  3. CPP worry about making returns for Canadians and don’t worry about other peoples agendas…. If it is legal and you deem it will make a good return invest in it !!

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