Saudi-Arabien richtet im Jahr 2024 mehr als 100 Ausländer hin, fast das Dreifache der Zahl in den Jahren 2022 und 2023


  1. Stock_Ad_3358 on

    No love for Saudi but don’t smuggle drugs especially when you know they don’t mess around over there.

  2. They still cut people’s heads off over there…. 

    And they want to be part of the modern world….

  3. NoLime7384 on

    What the fuck, this whole time I figured they only executed their own people. Would it kill them to deport a motherfucker?

  4. livemusicisbest on

    Their leader approved if not planned the execution (and dismembering) of a Saudi-born journalist who was critical of some government policies. Other members of the royal family helped fund the attacks on the
    US on September 11. So why should anyone be surprised they executed some Pakistanis, Yemenis, Nigerians who broke their laws (mostly drug smuggling)?

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