[OC] Umgekehrter Zusammenhang mit Trump-Unterstützung und Glück in den europäischen Ländern.

Von Ok-Faithlessness6804


  1. everybodysaysso on

    Amount of time liberals waste finding different ways to think or talk or share about Donald is insane and concerning. If they spent 10% of time asking senile democrat leadership to step down, things would be so much better. But nope, Pelosi won reelection at 84 this year and has already filed for reelection in 2026.

  2. Lindvaettr on

    Something to consider: Trump has always put a great deal of emphasis on disrupting and changing the status quo. While that has much more often been for the worse, rather than the better, it’s worth noting that his appeal is quite consistently lower in places where people are happier overall, and thus happier with the way things are for them, and higher in places where people are less happy overall, and thus more unhappy with the way things are for them.

    We can certainly view it as “unhappy people support Trump”, but we should also ask what about Trump appeals to all those unhappy people, and what all the happy people oppose about him.

  3. Having lived in Europe for many years, what’s the point of this? Trump presidency has low effect on Europe.

  4. While the correlation is interesting, this data is not beautiful. It’s a really convoluted way to present 2 correlated variables which could easily have been better illustrated with a scatter plot/line graph with “Trump Support” on the x-axis and “Happiness Score” on the y-axis.

  5. Walker0000000 on

    Well yeah it makes sense. The more unhappy a person is the more they want change. The happier and well off countries are content with the establishment (shamefull, really)

  6. RealisticBarnacle115 on

    Of course if you’re happy, meaning more or less satisfying with the current situation or direction, you don’t want candidates who try to change things, and vice versa.

  7. If you are unhappy you dislike the status quo. Everyone has already said a second Trump presidency will shatter the status quo permanently and so that’s why unhappy people wanted him to win.

  8. improbable_humanoid on

    I agree with the sentiment, but it was clearly formatted to make a point.

    It would look very different if you started the happiness scale at 0, or whatever the lowest possible score is.

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