Keir Starmer unterstützt Zahlungen an Länder, um die Grenzübertritte von Migranten zu reduzieren

Von insomnimax_99


  1. The great benefit of the Starmer government, like the Biden administration in 2020, is that it is the very last gasp of an ideologically exhausted order, with four years remaining to entirely discredit everything it stands for before skulking away broken and depressed.

  2. RangoCricket on

    He is aware that the courts in Italy shut their own plan down, yes? What’s the actual play here? Oh, wait, he’s a neo-liberal, so he probably doesn’t have one. 

  3. AcademicIncrease8080 on

    What you incentivise is what you get, as things stand there is a _massive incentive_ to reach the UK illegally because once you file an asylum claim you’re guaranteed accomodation, free food, free healthcare, free legal support, some local authorities even provide smartphones and bicycles, and it is highly unlikely you will ever be deported, even if your claim is rejected. On average we spend £43,000 per migrant, per year on hotel costs (at £120 per night for the cheapest hotel rooms currently being used) – this serves as a massive draw

    Until this gargantuan incentive is removed, illegal economic migrants will continue to arrive in huge numbers because the reward is so worthwhile.

    We need to remove this incentive, the only way that is possible is to introduce a zero tolerance approach whereby anyone who arrives illegally has no chance of staying, ever. The UK should be selecting refugees itself directly from camps in active warzones, we should not allow economic migrants to self-identify as asylum seekers because the result is the current mess.

  4. Blithering idiot. If you pay other countries to stop migrants they will send more so you keep paying!

  5. NoticingThing on

    We’ve been doing the same thing with France for years and they’re more than happy to take our money whilst watching migrants board dinghies on the shoreline. I guess we can pay more countries border control officers wages whilst they sit back and watch their problems leave over the horizon in our vague direction.

  6. djpolofish on

    So still avoiding looking at the time when the legal routes were open and the small boat crossing were in the hundreds, instead of tens of thousands like now.

  7. milkyteapls on

    How do countries like America and China get away with flouting these apparent “International Laws” we must adhere to?

  8. Equivalent_Thing_324 on

    Fml these people literally have no idea. They should read about the Congolese free state.. learn from their mistakes but instead they will monetise systems that enslave more people. “Smashing the gangs” basically just meant redirecting money.

  9. Perudur1984 on

    How’s about backing payment to our border force to cut illegal immigration? That is, to do their jobs?

  10. refuse boat migrants, simple as that. Send them back to France on boat. What will the French do? complain, that’s about it.

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