Russische Waffenfabrik Hunderte Kilometer von der Ukraine entfernt von Drohnenangriff getroffen


  1. >“The windows at the plant were broken, but there was no serious damage,” the governor said.

    You naughty Zelenskyy, You broke your neighbour’s window!

    On a serious note, Moscow should be worried and ashamed

  2. In retaliation, Russia will hit schools, supermarkets, and apartment buildings.

    Because that’s how they roll.

  3. Bigbird_Elephant on

    It seems like Ukraine is hitting military targets and Russia is hitting civilian targets. Why?

  4. Good. Karma is a bitch, uh? Invading another country and murdering lots of innocent men, women and kids have consequences. You can thank the murderous war criminal Putin for this.

  5. neologismist_ on

    Good news is, today Biden lifted restrictions on the use of long-range US weapons inside Russia. Ukraine is planning its first attacks in the coming days.

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