Wissenschaftler entwickeln hocheffizienten Elektro-Biodiesel, um den CO2-Ausstoß zu senken. Für jedes produzierte Gramm Elektrobiodiesel entfernt der Prozess dank Nebenprodukten wie Ethylen und Biomasse 1,57 Gramm Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre.



  1. good thing we removed all the diesel vehicles from the streets, right in time for the car industry to sell them new ones.

  2. daGroundhog on

    Solar collectors with 28% efficiency would gather 6 times as much energy than this process per acre. And then if you ran that electricity through a car, it wouldn’t create carbon dioxide, like biodiesel would.

  3. Cyanopicacooki on

    Then it’s burned in an engine and puts 2.5 g of carbon back…

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