Die Leute haben hier ein wenig darüber gesprochen, aber ich möchte wissen, was die WIRKLICHE Bedrohung ist und wie besorgt wir eigentlich sein sollten.

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  1. beginner75 on

    What’s the chance of a nuclear war not happening in the next 30 years? Probably zero. So why does it matter if it happens in the next 4 years?

  2. There were no new wars under Trump, in fact he ended the war against ISIS. He already promised the same approach to end wars not start new ones, in fact he is even friends with Kim Jong Un and Putin. So why would you expect any nuclear war under him?

  3. All out global nuclear wars probably less than 5%.

    But small area tactical nuclear strikes and wars ? Most then likely 30%.

  4. Prisoner8621 on

    What would be the global effects of small, tactical, nuclear strikes?

  5. All I know is that it’s supposedly the biggest threat to Michigan manufacturing

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