Pandemiepolitik, Lügen, Falschmeldungen und die Vertuschung haben unkalkulierbaren Schaden angerichtet. Es ist an der Zeit herauszufinden, wer was getan hat, und sie für diese Katastrophe zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. Fauci wird für seine Taten Rechenschaft ablegen müssen.

Von ProtectedHologram


  1. ProtectedHologram on


    Fauci repeatedly lied in front of Congress.

    Steve Bannon just didn’t appear

    Guess which one of these did time?

  2. It’s about time. What about all the folks that died because of the lies?

  3. ProtectedHologram on

    If Alex Jones could be forced to pay a billion dollars for harming a few dozen people, what would Fauci be liable for in a case where billions were harmed?

  4. FlabbyShabby on

    Let’s not forget CIA’s EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak.

    Whilst we are at it, let’s remember Fort Detrick, too.

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