„Das können wir nicht tolerieren“: Zweiter Pokalboss erklärt, warum er den Franchisenehmer aus Montreal wegen Nazi-Äußerungen schnell verdrängte
Wahlschock in Rumänien: Unerwarteter Anstieg rechtsextremer Kandidaten bei der Präsidentschaftswahl – Politico
… Allerdings in viel geringerem Ausmaß als im Mai, und es gelang ihnen, den Dieb festzunehmen. https://news.mc/2024/11/12/breaking-news-monaco-police-catch-watch-thieves-following-bold-robbery-on-boulevard-princess-charlotte/ Another robbery in Monaco byu/setwindowtext inMonaco Von setwindowtext
vilo236 on 13.11.2024 10:10 AM The French police delivered 😉 https://www.bfmtv.com/cote-d-azur/beausoleil-un-homme-arme-arrete-apres-le-braquage-d-une-bijouterie-a-monaco_AN-202411121017.html
Vast_Decision3680 on 13.11.2024 12:50 PM Why is the owner of the shop praising the Monaco police when the thief was arrested by the French police?
mantiki63 on 13.11.2024 3:01 PM This just goes to prove that Monaco is really no safer than Nice or Ventimiglia despite the high ratio of police to civilians.
The French police delivered 😉
Why is the owner of the shop praising the Monaco police when the thief was arrested by the French police?
This just goes to prove that Monaco is really no safer than Nice or Ventimiglia despite the high ratio of police to civilians.
What happened in May? Any links?