US-Bundesstaaten mit kleinerer Bevölkerung als Los Angeles County.

Von Bear_necessities96


  1. LA County has lost population recently and now has fewer people than Georgia, North Carolina, and Michigan.

  2. It would have been nice if they had added the population in the header for reference; in case you’re wondering, the estimated 2022 population of LA County is 9,861,224.

  3. Most of those states are much larger than any of the other states by a large margin, particularly CA, TX, FL, and NY. PA and IL are almost rivaled by OH and GA, with many other states catching up, but none will ever get close to CA and TX, and FL and NY also have a comfortable lead.

  4. yeah immigrating to socal def messed with my frame of reference as well as my parents for what is considered big in terms of population. my dad was like ‘ohio’s not that big. their population is only a bit more than la county.’ or for me personally, i don’t really say i grew up in a city, but the population of a suburb i’ve lived in is like 330k. the la area has some pretty big suburbs haha

  5. Comfortable_City1892 on

    Great example of why we have electoral college and two senators per state. We are a Union of sovereign states.

  6. TheLizardKing89 on

    A fun fact; there are more students and teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District (590k) than there are people in Wyoming (584k).

  7. SwiftyGozuser on

    What a stupid fucking map la a city 😭 what typa of agenda y’all even tryna push?

  8. hexahedron17 on

    And it’s still a really mid-to-low density metro area, compared to the rest of the world.

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