Prozentsatz der Menschen, die glauben, dass ihr Land von der EU-Mitgliedschaft profitiert hat

Von Ok_Somewhere9687


  1. borisdandorra on

    That Spain has such an entrenched Europeanism will never cease to amaze me. It has come to the point that if you criticise the EU, you are immediately considered crazy or, at the very least, a “facha” (fascist).

  2. Slow_Fish2601 on

    The EU is a success, given the fact that 70 years ago, the whole continent was at each other’s throat.

  3. Old_Combination1051 on

    The European Union has benefitted every country apart of it. It is a very successful project and is serving the people on this continent well. It is a testament that we are stronger, stable and more prosperous together, rather than apart and at each other’s throats.

    Are there negatives? Certainly. Do the positive aspects outweigh them? Definitely.

  4. ahh_my_shoulder on

    As an austrian the only insight I have is the fact that I lost my flight attendant Job which was very well paid and had great quality of life, because they replaced us with people from spain, italy, romania etc who were willing to do the same work for less than half of what we got. Only time I ever was a genuine EU hater, but in general I’d argue it’s a very very good thing.

  5. ~~I find it incredibly silly to think Austrians believe they would be better off on their own and not on the level of Albania.~~

    A completely ignorant statement destroyed in the replies.

  6. Ezra_lurking on

    The best thing Brexit did, shown the other countries how much better it is to be in the EU

  7. HorsePast9750 on

    It’s fair to say that it’s been a substantial success

  8. I feel like Greece, Romania and Bulgaria should be a bit more gratefull for the huge ammount of money they get.

  9. Imponentemente on

    Everyone benefits from the EU, even countries like Switzerland.

  10. brojustrelaxyo on

    Would be 70% in the UK now. Brexit is extremely unpopular now that people can see it just meant paperwork and total loss of freedom.

  11. md_youdneverguess on

    73% in Germany is quite “low” considering we’re abusing the inner European market and unified currency to extract wealth from basically all other nations. I blame our right wing media landscape that tries to paint other EU countries as freeloaders that live off “our” wealth (hmm, where is that wealth coming from again) since the Greek crisis

  12. Bear_necessities96 on

    This the reason I’d like to see a project like this in South America the amount of cooperation and development could be getting with the Southern Union

  13. Groznydefece on

    Theres nothing more funny than stupid people in countries like Czech republic crying about EU while swallowing all the donation money they can like the good cucks they are

  14. This info is probably old. If you’d ask The Netherlands now I think it’d be below 50%.

  15. skarrrrrrr on

    The EU is fine, it’s the stupid current leadership what’s not fine

  16. MathematicalMan1 on

    Austria being anti-EU is so funny. It’s like if Wyoming wanted to secede from the US.

  17. My country, Ireland would be a borderline third world country without the EU

  18. ViajandoPelasExoluas on

    Ireland, Estonia, Denmark & Portugal, apparently feeling cozy in thier EU…idk, chairs? Positions? But Austria…..disgruntled!

  19. John_Doe4269 on

    Not a lot in common between us portuguese, the dutch, lithuanians, and the irish have. Glad to see at least it’s due to something that makes sense!

  20. IwannaCommentz on

    Hungary that high result and still voting Orban, wtf is going on there :<


    /Tho in Poland we also had our crazy time with radical right stealing millions of government money, omg…

  21. ughargh0001 on

    What’s with the lower percentage in France and Italy? I mean, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece kind of make sense given their histories, but…France and Italy!?

  22. SenatorBiff on

    Spare a thought for the pro-EU folks in the UK who were unfortunately compelled to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to prove to the rest of the continent how you definitely don’t want to leave the EU. All it cost us was our citizenship and our identity.

  23. OP this must be a repost and the source contains OLD data. There is also newer data in eurobarometer from 2023 (100.1 | EBO44EP). This is just lazy.

  24. bluecheese2040 on

    I mean given how France is going I wonder if they’d flexit if given half a chance

  25. Spain: we have just emerged from an atrocious 40-year dictatorship, we will do whatever it takes

    EU: Well, Spain, we will give you money on the condition that you completely deindustrialize and become a tourist theme park, we don’t want competition…

  26. Top-Pomegranate-2814 on

    I expacted Germany and France to have higher percantage, but Romania and Bulgaria wtf ?? It should be 100% they take billions of euros in aids and have the chance for better jobs and trade deals soooo whats going on

  27. stanislov128 on

    Glad most people realize the EU is a huge net positive. It’s not without issues, but otherwise Europe would have been economically colonized by the US, Russia, and China over the last 20 years. 

  28. Mondiani_99 on

    Of course Spain is at 81% , they were worse than Angola before joining the EU, those mfs have won the lottery when Europe invited them to join.

    Imagine Maduro di3s, and they bring Venezuela to the EU, solving all their problems, their inflation, and start pouring billions of Euros into their economy, well this is what esentially happened to Spain

  29. Signal_Bird_9097 on

    the irish people are the smartest -so if they say 95%, then it appears the EU system is working

  30. jamesnolans on

    Let me narrow it down for you: Switzerland and Norway are beyond stoked to have never been there

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