Zwei russische Eindringlinge wurden getötet. „Eingeweide liegen herum. Da ist nicht einmal ein Kopf mehr übrig, verdammt noch mal nichts.“


  1. pumpkin20222002 on

    Anyone else know why the website Cargo200 stopped a few months after the war started? Had a ton of stuff like this with the names and everythibg,, then they stopped it for some reason

  2. Final_Pension_3353 on

    I bet that smoke smells just like lunch hour at the famous Russian restaurant: Tasty. Period.

  3. Direct-Bag-6791 on

    What’s he sprinkling there? Pissing on the corpse or marinading it?

  4. HansLandasPipe on

    Why do I get the feeling “that’s how it is” is the most common phrase in Russia?

  5. Weak_Definition_4321 on

    Never ever swallow Mentos while you just had a bottle of vodka coke

  6. Exciting-Praline3547 on

    Orcs *pissed* off the wrong country. Simple solution, GTFO.

  7. reditposysa on

    it is simple – go home and nobody will be blown – but this concept is so wild for orcs I guess they cannot comprehend

  8. Surfer123456 on

    I mean there are 2 legs and a lower torso… that’s not “nothing left”… he is clearly a glass is half empty kind of guy!

  9. EstablishmentCute703 on

    That’s how it is, fucking hell, damn… blablabla, go home already!

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