Eine Stadt im Kosovo namens Kosovo Field, die amerikanischer aussieht und mehr für Autos gebaut ist


Von tarn_198


  1. notveryamused_ on

    Ads absolutely everywhere remind me of Polish suburbs in the 90s, it was really difficult to get rid of them but it’s doable and really worth it. Guys you need a proper landscape act…

  2. rzwitserloot on

    I wonder how long ago this was built. What with the cranes in the background, possibly relatively recently.

    I’ll add it to the same bag that also contains the recent suburbs built in the outskirts of Dubai:

    A __mind boggling fucking stupid thing__. We know, and have known for quite a while, this is extremely bad urban design. Willfully ignoring lessons learned, perhaps in a vague attempt to cargo-cult (america is rich and their urban environs look like this, _therefore_ if we make copies of that, we will also be rich! Yeah! That’s how life works!) – crazy.

    With Dubai at least it’s cynically understandable (environment (either in the ‘the place you live’ or ‘the planet that needs to continue to have a climate that can sustain human life’ sense) just does not matter we are just trying to attract monied morons who want to imagine they are living in a fairytale view of how 80s/90s america was like).

  3. Fuje Kosova is basically a suburb of Prishtina, isn’t it?

    Basically every suburb of a big Balkan city looks like this.

    Also, props to all Kosovars for unilaterally cutting the visa requirements for Bosnian citizens. I’ll definitely visit your great country in the near future to honour it.

  4. MrOOFmanofbelgum on

    God damn, they love America so much, they model their cities after American cities

  5. Ok_Data_5228 on

    You people have no imagination when it comes to city names like when it comes to people names.

    For example at my work there are four MILOS and three Slobodan.


  6. IdReallyRatherNot404 on

    Honestly, as someone who is in America, this would actually be an improvement on most of our stroads.

  7. If you look at Kosovo Polje on Google maps you’ll see that it’s just that one road that looks like that, and the rest of the town is more normal looking.

    That’s the main road going west out of Priština, passing through the town.

  8. 6 lane road, small businesses all along it, a strip in middle separating the traffic, tons of billboards. Yup, if it wasn’t for the apartments in the background, this wouldn’t look out of place in an American town.

  9. Sensitive_Ad4599 on

    It looks like every other poor part of the town in Balkans, with lack of urban planning

  10. It’s bad but it doesn’t seem like an existential problem to find parking. I give it a 6.5/10 just for this.

  11. AlienGeneticHybrid on

    It’s kind of an in-between town, Fushë Kosovë, and many just pass through. This road goes to Prishtina so it’s traveled heavily, making all the small businesses sprout up.

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