Die Niederlande bestellen bei Tschechien weitere Artilleriegeschosse und Panzerhaubitzen für die Ukraine



  1. Sharp_Win_7989 on

    English translation of the [announcement](https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/10/17/nederland-bestelt-in-tsjechie-meer-artilleriegranaten-en-pantserhouwitsers-voor-oekraine) on the Dutch MoD website:

    The Netherlands is ordering new artillery shells for Ukraine together with Denmark. These will be ordered from the Czech defence industry. This can be read in a joint statement by the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Denmark, which was released around the European Council.

    Minister Ruben Brekelmans was able to report this to his counterparts from the NATO alliance. They met in Brussels for the meeting of defence ministers. The Netherlands is investing a total of €271 million.

    The order for 155mm shells will help Ukraine with ammunition in 2025. It is an incentive for the Czech defence industry to scale up. This is an important part of strengthening the capacity of the entire European defence industry. The consumption of ammunition at the front is still high and it is therefore very important to provide this ammunition in 2025 as well.

    **DITA howitzers**

    In addition, the Netherlands is ordering 6 self-propelled DITA howitzers from the Czech Republic. These can fire the standard NATO calibre of 155mm. The Netherlands previously ordered 9 of these howitzers, which were transferred to Ukraine last summer.

    Minister Brekelmans: “Ukraine has an enormous need for weapons and ammunition. Russia is bringing huge numbers of personnel to the battlefield. We must continue to help Ukraine defend itself. Together with the Czech Republic and Denmark, we are therefore working hard to deliver armoured howitzers and ammunition in the coming year. Earlier this year, we reported that we were purchasing €250 million worth of artillery ammunition, as part of the Czech ammunition initiative for Ukraine. The majority of these shells have already been delivered to Ukraine in recent months and are being used at the front.”

    **152mm shells**

    A separate project is also underway for the purchase of 152mm shells for Soviet-era artillery. Ukraine still has many of these cannons. This is in response to a previously announced initiative.

    Brekelmans: “We must continue all current initiatives unabated. It is in everyone’s interest that Ukraine holds its defensive lines and that Russian aggression does not advance further.”

  2. Good , DITA is one of the most modern Wheeled SPG in the world , like Caesar mk.II or RCH 155

    It is good seeing that golden Czech hands are resurging in Global and EU weapon market.

  3. Bull_Bear2024 on

    That and their donated F16s will be gratefully received & put to good use!

  4. Femininestatic on

    I love seeing updates each week what aid we the Dutch provide but cant help but feel France, Spain, Italy are slacking big time. Am I missing things, is aid not published or whats up. I very frequently see Netherlands, US, UK, Germany featured but much of the rest seems invisible?

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