Andrew Garfield sagt, Hacksaw Ridge-Regisseur Mel Gibson „hat viel Heilung bewirkt“ und „verdient es, Filme zu machen“


  1. coldliketherockies on


    Tommy from my town is quite talented and deserves to make films too. A lot of talented people out there deserve to make films. And most of them don’t come with such behavior as Mel does

    Is there evidence that he’s changed a lot? Has he spoken about feeling bad for what he said or did? Has it shown that he’s been better?

    I really like Andrew Garfield, who doesn’t? But he did get an Oscar nomination starring in a film directed by Mel makes sense he has a more positive view of him.

  2. faceintheblue on

    I don’t have a problem with Mel Gibson making movies. In fact, I’m pretty sure he does still make movies. Hacksaw Ridge was after the ‘Sugar Tits’ episode, for example.

    I don’t think he gets to go back to before his fall from grace and resume living the life of one of the top-tier Hollywood successes. That happened, and it matters. A lot of success in the entertainment industry is ‘does the public want what you make?’ Enough people have soured on him permanently that he’s never going to be a huge box office draw again.

  3. maxwellcawfeehaus on

    Has he not been making and starting in movies and shows consistently since then? Everyone cries cancel culture but people only get actually cancelled if they do heinous shit. Like diddle kids.

  4. I feel like it would be better actually coming from Mel, did he ever make a public apology even?

  5. Several_Dwarts on

    I remember around the time of Apocalypto Mel said he probably wouldnt act in anymore films. He was going to just direct.

    His big “oops” happened when a large portion of his career was already ending.

    He can make films. I still find him enjoyable though he’s been in some movies that are beneath his talent. He’s also been in some fun, more typical Mel movies like Get The Gringo.

    He does seem to be a slightly different dude now. Perhaps he learned his lesson? Go ahead Mel, make your Passion of the Christ sequel. I never saw the first one but I thought the main character died at the end.


  6. cyclopswasright1963 on

    People change. The person you were last week isn’t the person you are today. He did something really shitty but if we don’t forgive people who do shitty things then what’s the incentive to change and be better?

  7. No one “deserves” to be handed millions of dollars just because they “did healing”

    The question isn’t whether Gibson should be allowed back to Hollywood or not… but rather the actual question is, is Gibson MORE deserving to get that opportunity than others?

    Fact of the matter is, there’s thousands of better directors and screenwriters who didn’t go on racist rants. Who are more deserving.

    Gibson isn’t the only talented director on earth. He isn’t this special generational talent who’s world changing art is being deprived.

    Fuck this guy, and the studios who back him.

  8. amchaudhry on

    What’s the rule on this? Are we back to liking Chris Brown too? And what will be the line between what Diddy did on tape versus what Mel did on tape?

    I did a switcheroo on Mike Tyson after watching him evolve over the years. Redemption is a real thing. But so is having a personality disorder that makes you an abusive person hard stop.

  9. I don’t give a shit about what Mel Gibson does or does not do.

    I only came in here to say that Andrew Garfield looks great with a beard.

  10. I didn’t even know he directed Hacksaw Ridge. I enjoyed it a lot.

  11. take7pieces on

    Since when he’s banned from making films? He can make porn if he wants.

  12. BelAirGuy45 on

    Nah. There are recordings of Gibson terrorizing his girlfriend that I can never forget.

  13. Onionbot3000 on

    Mel Gibson is an abuser. It’s not like he just got drunk and said some crazy stuff. He physically abused his former girlfriend. I haven’t seen or heard him address that. I hope she’s healing….

  14. The-Protomolecule on

    I don’t think anyone is entitled to return to their industry after certain behavior.

    There’s tons of young actors and directors out there. Mel Gibson is rich and had his chance to be a good steward of the community. He could do a variety of behind the scene things, but give new people in the world their shot.

  15. Nobody is saying he can’t make movies. But, the people who financed his movies and the audiences who saw his movies are under no obligation to return to him. There are plenty of formerly high profile actors that are no longer at the top. That’s just how things are.

  16. Teamawesome2014 on

    Nobody “deserves” to make films. Especially not Mel, even if he has healed and become a better person.

  17. Far-Entrance1202 on

    I feel the problem isn’t that Mel Gibson said bad things it’s that he still wholeheartedly believes them lmao


    So the abuser has done a lot of healing? Wow, good for him. How about his victims?

    Perhaps he wants to go public denouncing White Christian racism on every platform that will take him? That would be a start.

  19. EyeAmAyyBot on

    Played football with his son is high school and he was one of the worst people I’ve EVER encountered in my entire life. It doesn’t surprise me that he may have not fallen too far from the tree.

  20. Pied_Film10 on

    I mean, if I still listen to Ye’s music, I can find it to watch more Mel Gibson. He’s been in a lot of trash movies lately so I’d like him to be back in higher-budget films. He had a hell of a run back in the day.

  21. As much as I dislike him as a person, it’s undeniable he has talent as a director and I’d love to see more movies from him.

  22. Madmandocv1 on

    Oh yeah that guy. Actually things have been fine without him around.

  23. KingKimShepard on

    Gibson is a brilliant filmmaker. He’s never made a bad movie and I’d say he has a few masterpieces.

  24. Ill watch his movies. Minus passion 2 lol. 

    He is a major fuck up though. 

    Look at that grimace though. The real mad max. 

  25. BilliardStillRaw on

    “As a member of not the group he attacked, I just want to say that he is completely forgiven”

  26. im_on_the_case on

    Mel Gibson is a racist, abusive alcoholic, did he deserve to be shunned by Hollywood? Nope, not when they were giving Roman Polanski standing ovations at any opportunity.

  27. chocolaterain72 on

    For everyone in this comment section who is saying he “said the wrong thing” let’s take a look at some of the “wrong things” he said and let me know if this guy deserves to be given millions over other talented filmmakers:

    “You look like a f—cking pig in heat and if you get raped by a pack of n—ers it will be your fault”

    “The jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”

    To his girlfriend: “Threaten ya? I’ll put you in a f *ckin rose garden you c*nt! You understand that? Because I’m capable of it. You understand?”

    About the holocaust in 2013; YEARS AFTER HE ‘apologized’ and started ‘doing better’: “I mean when the war was over they said it was 12 million. Then it was six. Now it’s four. I mean it’s that kind of numbers game…”

    He didn’t just say the wrong thing. Hes a vile, contemptible racist, misogynist anti semite who has already made more money in his career than you or I will ever see. No he doesn’t deserve to come back. Give that chance to one of the thousands of unbelievably talented filmmakers who don’t say shit like this. His success does not exist in a vacuum.

  28. stringfellow-hawke on

    He working. Look at his IMDB page.

    It’s a Mel issue though if he’s not getting major roles/director gigs because people are uninterested in giving him their time and attention.

  29. turnmeintocompostplz on

    This is the issue with this whole paradigm. He can fix himself, he deserves to make a living. Nobody deserves fame and international artistic outlets. Like, actually nobody is deserving of that. Go get a normal person job and treat people well. Why do we need to return people to their lofted station because they did a mea culpa? 

  30. sullen_agreement on

    gimme a break

    you can tell just by looking at mel’s face that he has worms in his brain and it is taking everything inside him not to start screaming about how great Trump is and how (other) immigrants are ruining the country by eating our cats and dogs and then something about Jews

  31. What does Mel have to heal from? I think the relevant word would be “change.”

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