Weitere Aufnahmen des HIMARS-Streumunitionsangriffs auf ein russisches Scharfschützenübungsgelände im Oblast Saporischschja, der 15. Separaten Artillerie-Aufklärungsbrigade „Schwarzwald“ und der Luftaufklärung der 128. Gebirgssturmbrigade [October 2024]
Weitere Aufnahmen des HIMARS-Streumunitionsangriffs auf ein russisches Scharfschützenübungsgelände im Oblast Saporischschja, der 15. Separaten Artillerie-Aufklärungsbrigade „Schwarzwald“ und der Luftaufklärung der 128. Gebirgssturmbrigade [October 2024]
If this was snipers (or future snipers) then this is great hit. This saved a lot of casualties in near future from UKR side.
Great work!
Loud-Suggestion3013 on
What happens if you stand in between those impacts? Is it explosives or “just” some metal stuff released from the missle? Im a missile noob so no idea how they work.
88GAMEON88 on
Snipers got sniped by MOAS (Mother of all snipers)
Analogov_Net on
Hope they brought enough bags…
RogerBadger3344 on
Do they have a category in russia for “SMO speedrun”? The dudes skipped the training part and went directly to the last part of their participation in the war.
BartDCMY on
Nice… Sniper are one of the valuable target just like the drone operator.
introitusawaitus on
Comrade commander, what about safety here where we are training? No worries, no one can see us because we are snipers!
dunncrew on
Excellent work AFU 👏 👍 👌
dwerp-24 on
Those future russian snipers just learned that they can be sniped. Slava Ukraini
Adventurous_Ad_9557 on
by by orcs
Oh shit lol they nailed em, nice shooting boys!
Zeub45 on
You always have to go pee during training
slick514 on
Forbidden cotton.
RuskiMierda on
Lumpy_Dentist_5421 on
You can’ say that the training isn’t realisitic. This is exactly what will happen when they’re on ops
Timbo330 on
A-tish-oo! A-tish-oo! We all fall down….🤔
texas130ab on
Looks like over kill.
5upertaco on
The Ukraine war has created worldwide demand for HIMARS. I believe the current backlog of unit orders from Raytheon is over 1000 and growing. I believe Poland has an order of 500.
Cassandraburry2008 on
They got the “realistic firing range” training.
Racer_Space on
This was an ATACMS cluster right?
SSDD_randint on
Tfw you brought a sniper rifle to missile standoff.
Trumpisacuck4Putin on
Wonder if the one that ran away decided he was done with the war that day
Reported casualties are 10 dead and 11 wounded.
If this was snipers (or future snipers) then this is great hit. This saved a lot of casualties in near future from UKR side.
Great work!
What happens if you stand in between those impacts? Is it explosives or “just” some metal stuff released from the missle? Im a missile noob so no idea how they work.
Snipers got sniped by MOAS (Mother of all snipers)
Hope they brought enough bags…
Do they have a category in russia for “SMO speedrun”? The dudes skipped the training part and went directly to the last part of their participation in the war.
Nice… Sniper are one of the valuable target just like the drone operator.
Comrade commander, what about safety here where we are training? No worries, no one can see us because we are snipers!
Excellent work AFU 👏 👍 👌
Those future russian snipers just learned that they can be sniped. Slava Ukraini
by by orcs
Oh shit lol they nailed em, nice shooting boys!
You always have to go pee during training
Forbidden cotton.
You can’ say that the training isn’t realisitic. This is exactly what will happen when they’re on ops
A-tish-oo! A-tish-oo! We all fall down….🤔
Looks like over kill.
The Ukraine war has created worldwide demand for HIMARS. I believe the current backlog of unit orders from Raytheon is over 1000 and growing. I believe Poland has an order of 500.
They got the “realistic firing range” training.
This was an ATACMS cluster right?
Tfw you brought a sniper rifle to missile standoff.
Wonder if the one that ran away decided he was done with the war that day