Frau eines Tory-Ratsmitglieds zu 31 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, weil Social-Media-Beiträge Rassenhass geschürt haben

Von topotaul


  1. She was encouraging people to burn refugees to death while there was an angry mob of far-right terrorists trying to burn a hotel full of refugees down while blocking the fire exits.

    She’s lucky to only get 31 months.

    I hope we’re not going to see too many extremists on here pretending that she’s been jailed for mean words when she’s actually been jailed for inciting racial hatred and encouraging a racist mob to murder refugees!

  2. RaymondBumcheese on

    You can’t even wish for someone to die in a fire these days.

  3. Pure_Quarter_4309 on

    I always find it strange when articles don’t state what was said, but only give you narrative along with quoted snippets. Why not just simply state what she said?

  4. OperationSuch5054 on

    I’m sure i’ll be downvoted with cope and seethe for this, but 31 fucking months?

    Two things, firstly, it’s the online ramblings of an idiot and is there any proof that anyone on earth actually took her words literally and she was the catalyst for attacks on hotels and arson?

    Secondly, if we’re slapping down almost 3 years for this, yet Huw Edwards gets a 12 month suspended for literally sharing the most serious level of child porn, someone needs to take a look at sentencing balance on this.

    Also, I’d be incredibly interested to see what sentence the guy guts who set the bus on fire during the disorder a few weeks before the Southport incident.

    I’m not legally qualified, but I’d assume the length of a sentence like this is subject to some sort of challenge?

    I’m sure people here will play verbal gymnastics with what I’ve said and spin it that i’m some sort of a right wing racist, but i’m talking objectively about how ramblings and hatred online can lead to 31 months in jail.

    On a similar note, I saw a misconduct hearing for a Met Police officer this week which is coming up, an officer lied on vetting, had an association with a jihadist who operates for the islamic state and had followed and shown interest in radical muslim hate preachers online, yet this doesnt even warrant any sort of prosecution? Come on….

    Edit – In fact, i’m sure there’s even an argument that this could embolden the right wing, under the guise of “look at what they do to us for facebook posts compared to people fiddling kids”. It’s a type of suppression that feeds into the crazy lunatics that “jews and muslims run the country and are trying to silence everyone through fear” that gains traction.

    I’d argue some sort of suspended sentence, with conditions for her to meet (real) muslims and do community engagement/payback in the muslim community would be 10x more effective than locking her in with crackheads for nearly 3 years.

    And as expected, 4 upvotes smashed down to -2 in the space of 30 seconds with no actual response or attempt to discuss what is obviously a big issue. Sums this country up all over.

  5. Terrible thing for her to say but 31 months does seem a tad excessive.

  6. jeremybeadleshand on

    I don’t think what she said should be legal, it’s clear incitement, but that sentencing is insane given some of the stuff you see people get suspended or very short sentences for.

  7. technotechbro on

    An interesting part of this story that isn’t told in these articles is that her toddler child died due to the malpractice of a foreign doctor and it seems to have made her racist. Not that it justifies what she did but I think it provides some context.

  8. iamezekiel1_14 on

    This is broadly what the Looking Glass went down for isn’t it (but he only got 2 years, some of which he’d already eaten up on remand?). Have no issues with this as its down to the specific laws governing it but it does call into question some of the laws on other issues perhaps?

  9. Great, so the tax payer will pay £40k per year all because she couldn’t rub together the two brain cells she presumably possesses.

    Honestly baffling that this was one, her immediate response and two, something she wanted to make public.

  10. jacknpoppy on

    Did the person, who didn’t write her tweet, but reposted it, end up with a longer prison sentence than her?

  11. MethyleneBlueEnjoyer on

    I suppose everyone who wants Singapore-style laws and enforcement in the UK should be happy about this demonstration.

  12. This sentence could be reasonable … if we weren’t a country that hands out less time in prison for actually violent offences.

  13. james-royle on

    The same idiots who will moan about this will cheer someone going to prison for having a teams meeting about a climate protest.

  14. RomeroPapaTango on

    Yet being a pedo at the bbc? No problem mate! This country makes me sick

  15. John_Jarndyce on

    You can go to prison for that? I’m horrified. What the hell is happening. 

  16. >Opening the case, prosecutor Naeem Valli said Connolly also sent a message saying she intended to work her notice period as a childminder “on the sly” – despite being de-registered.

    >Mr Valli added: “She then goes on to say that if she were to get arrested she would ‘play the mental health card’.”

    >The court heard Connolly, who had no previous convictions, also sent another tweet commenting on a sword attack, which read: “I bet my house it was one of these boat invaders.”

    >Another X post sent by Connolly – commenting on a video posted by the far right activist Tommy Robinson – read “Somalian I guess” and was accompanied by a vomiting emoji.

    Wow, she is just vile.

  17. Fart-Pleaser on

    We seem to have a lot of prison places for a country with not a lot of prison places

  18. SittingBull1988 on

    Hear much worse in person and much worse posted online.

    She posted it during a time of mass arrests.

    Convicted of wrong timing more than anything.

  19. Icy-Cod9863 on

    Why does she look hot in this photograph, but other photos of her show she’s a bit of a dog?

  20. WanderingBabe on

    Why didnt the article include a screenshot of her post? I’m sorry but I’m not going to take the media’s word for absolutely ANYTHING!!

  21. Thebawbag1975 on

    That’s quite a flattering photo. A quick Google image search reveals …. well…

  22. Ill-Branch9770 on

    Lets ask those who defend her to lock themselves up for 40 months.

  23. JessyPengkman on

    I have no issue with this, however if we’re putting people in prison for tweets, can we also put that fucking guy in my hometown who killed a pedestrian whilst drink driving in prison too?!? Thanks

  24. Rich-Illustrator-175 on

    Seems mental I have heard worse in the street, at work and from the like of Nigel Farage. I would say the damage is caused by the social medial companies that magnify these opinions. She is clearly an idiot but feel prison should he for people who are violent in the real world. 

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