Periodenschmerzen bei Teenagern sind Gegenstand einer wegweisenden Oxford-Studie

Von TwentyCharactersShor


  1. It’s amazing that folks are starting to take this kind of thing seriously. I remember mine being horrendous but also being too embarrassed to speak up for fear of being ridiculed and told to suck it up.

  2. Ryanhussain14 on

    Biology is so fucking cruel. 50% of the population has to go through monthly periods of pain through no fault of their own because nature decided that was ideal for some reason.

  3. tealattegirl13 on

    About time that period pain is taken seriously, especially after that school in Cambridgeshire asking for ‘proof’ of period pain. It’s shocking how little we know about how the uterus works, because there is a lack of research.

  4. SoggyWotsits on

    About time too. I fainted in the middle of a busy post office once because I had such severe period pains. I was in my early 20s by that point but I’d always suffered. The post office staff called an ambulance (I imagine to satisfy their insurance/health and safety rules) and I was whisked off to hospital under protest. I still wasn’t given anything for the pain, just checked for any other obvious causes of the faint and sent on my way.

  5. Blue_Dot42 on

    Age 15-19 my periods were debilitating, I used cocodamol, ibuprofen and meditation lol. I got sent home from college once for looking so pale, and a cold breeze would send pain ricocheting through my body. Age 20+ they’ve been chill.

    I’m glad they’re researching why this happens specifically to teenage girls.

  6. fascinesta on

    Good. Never experienced it myself (as a man), but my wife really suffers with them, and it’s likely my daughter will too, one day. It absolutely needs to be taken more seriously, both by employers and by the population as a whole.

  7. Glad this is being taken more seriously. Seeing my relatives having to power through crippling pain to go to work on a routine basis is concerning.

  8. prunellazzz on

    Amazing they’re only just doing research into this now, my periods as an adult and post kids is normal but as a teen I was quite badly anaemic and I would soak through nighttime pads in an hour or two. Going to school during them was so difficult but teen girls are expected to carry on as if nothing is happening.

  9. whatswestofwesteros on

    Good! Took me 10 years of fighting to get a diagnostic laparoscopy despite not being able to move during my period because I’d be screaming if I did – it got so bad my mum would get me to drink OJ through a straw so I could stay curled up while she held the fucking cup just so I had something – the doctor constantly telling me it was normal. Mum got me smoking weed with her because it was the only painkiller that worked. It wasn’t until a female doctor saw me that I got any referral…

    My pelvis is hugely scarred inside and I’ve got fibroids growing – one on my bladder – I feel like it’d be better if they did something when I was a teenager, I’ve been trying for a baby for over a year and nothing, would I be infertile if they’d have done something? It’s so emotionally painful.

  10. Mouldysoup on

    Whoa, reading these comments is an eye opener. As a teenager I used to vomit every time I got my period because the pain was so bad. Really thought I was the exception. Going on the pill seemed to help a lot though.

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