Überseegebiete des Vereinigten Königreichs seien die „größten Ermöglicher für Körperschaftssteuermissbrauch“, sagt die Steuervertretung


Von Internal_Sun_9632


  1. Internal_Sun_9632 on

    Once again confirmed, the UK and their criminal island’s around the world are the biggest tax abusers on the planet.

  2. TypicalRecover3180 on

    Seems odd that Ireland and Luxembourg are not on the list…

  3. Ireland rightfully get shit on for this all the time, why are the comments suddenly so defensive and sucking off tax paradises just because it’s part of the UK this time?

  4. IchLiebeRUMMMMM on

    Taxhavens are nice for the taxhaven, companies and screw everyone else over…

  5. lightninrods on

    Well well well. Who would have guessed that the City had its tax haven outposts just like Wall Street.

  6. philman132 on

    Unsurprising, whenever you hear about some massive embezzlement, dirty money or tax evasion scandal they always seem to involve money ending up in one of the British islands like the Caymans or Virgin islands.

  7. As someone who works in international tax, TJN makes some really wrong conclusions in their research. Take their rankings with a grain of salt. For instance, nowhere do they mention that Malta’s income tax rate for foreign enterprises can go down to 1.5%, or 5% without notional interest deduction rules. Or their transfer pricing rules for instance, which effectively make almost all foreign groups exempt from TP rules.

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