JD Vances Berater postete jahrelang auf Reddit über den Konsum von Kokain, „Tankstellenheroin“ und anderen Drogen https://www.wired.com/story/jd-vance-adviser-posted-drug-use-reddit-cocaine-gas-station-heroin/
League of Legends erhält einen 250-Dollar-Arcane-Skin, und er kommt nicht gut an | „Eine sehr uncoole Sache, fast unmittelbar nachdem man eine Menge Leute gefeuert hat“, heißt es in einem Kommentar zu dem Beitrag, in dem der Skin angekündigt wird.
X wird dafür kritisiert, dass er gesperrten Benutzern trotzdem erlaubt, Beiträge zu sehen: „Unzählige Menschen geraten in große Gefahr“
upvoatsforall on 17.10.2024 2:23 AM JD Vance associating with people of questionable integrity? No way.
Temporary_Inner on 17.10.2024 2:25 AM If you get a job with any kind of profile, delete your social media accounts people.
Sa7aSa7a on 17.10.2024 2:31 AM Of all the issues with Vance, the fact he has an adviser who posted about drug use, ranks pretty far at the bottom.
RealPersonResponds on 17.10.2024 3:22 AM Vance, possible next in line for president, is a drug addled flip flopper silicon valley bro. Gimme donuts, whatever.
matali on 17.10.2024 3:39 AM Why is this in /r/technology? Oh, because the mods are political activists
JD Vance associating with people of questionable integrity? No way.
If you get a job with any kind of profile, delete your social media accounts people.
Of all the issues with Vance, the fact he has an adviser who posted about drug use, ranks pretty far at the bottom.
Vance, possible next in line for president, is a drug addled flip flopper silicon valley bro. Gimme donuts, whatever.
I don’t like him!
Why is this in /r/technology? Oh, because the mods are political activists