[Graphic] Der Weg, den russische Invasoren nehmen, um ihre Kampfpositionen zu erreichen. Region Charkiw, Zufahrt zu Liptsi. Und so sehen alle ihre Routen aus.



  1. Final_Pension_3353 on

    Man, what a waste. That looks like something straight out of WWI. It could just as well be Ypres. I bet the stench is horrific.

  2. throwawayy992 on

    They almost could use them as landmarks: travel south along the mud path until you see the guy missing teeth smile at you. Then continue until you see his blown off foot to your left and turn right. After 100m turn left between the blown off head and the burnt buggy

  3. Metron_Seijin on

    I guess it will be a measurement of how bad russia’s situation is when they start sending out groups to collect all that gear.

    Looking foeward to the day they learn the recycling triangle, and are forced to use it due to suply  shortages.

  4. what hurts me about these pictures is to know, that there are ukrainians rotting like this too…
    there are people rotting, that wanted to defend their country…

  5. Suspicious_Clock_607 on

    This sounds terrible.But my video game instinct is to loot and I see all that loot going to waste

  6. Beautiful_Budget8441 on

    You know I follow game trails when I’m out hunting/scouting so that I can set myself up for a successful hunt. Apparently Russians are no smarter than the deer I shoot..

  7. dogoodvillain on

    Russia is a zombified embodiment of the USSR. The only way through that hell is the violent end of its militaristic ambitions.

  8. Spiritual-Piglet-341 on

    Imagine being the fresh meat being sent forward, having to pass those who were sent in the days & weeks before you in various stages of decomp who never made it to the positions you are heading for. And then you hear the drone ….

  9. why don’t these idiots turn on putin? never seem so many idiots in my life. 700,000 killed wounded? that kinda group could easily marched on Moscow instead of Kiev

  10. DaleDangler on

    I think the most important thing here is… what is the name of the song? The question will be asked eventually. Besides, it’s a banger.

  11. Both-Acanthisitta634 on

    This must be why a track like this is called a dirt track. It’s littered with dirt.

  12. Storied_Beginning on

    Where are the vultures and carnivores? Herds of feral pigs would make quick work of these carcasses.

  13. This war cant possibly last much longer… right? Russia can’t keep up with the numbers of losses and have enough bodies to continue throwing into the grinder…. right??

  14. Wait_WHAT_didU_say on

    The techno/trance song to this clip? 🤨
    It’s got a nice beat.. 🤝

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