„Stranger Things“-Star Matthew Modine vergleicht Donald Trump mit Hitler: „Das ist keine Übertreibung“



  1. > “In the 1930s, Leni Riefenstahl directed the Nazi propaganda films ‘Triumph Of The Will’ and ‘Olympia,’” Modine told Entertainment Weekly in an emailed statement about Trump’s ad.

    > “These two films are considered among the most effective propaganda ever made. Riefenstahl denied any knowledge of the Holocaust, repeatedly invoking the ‘how could we have known?’ defence. Ironically, Trump has twisted and profoundly distorted [Stanley] Kubrick’s powerful anti-war film into a perverse, homophobic, and manipulative tool of propaganda.”

    > He continued: “Shortly before Riefenstahl died, she acknowledged her connection to Adolf Hitler in a BBC interview. ‘I was one of millions who thought Hitler had all the answers. We saw only the good things; we didn’t know bad things were to come.’”

    > “It is no exaggeration to see Trump’s reflection in the terrible figure Hitler was. Please listen to Riefenstahl’s final warning: ‘…we didn’t know how bad things were to become.’ Trump has shown us who he is and made no secret of what he intends to do.”

  2. shnootsberry on

    When people who study post ww1 germany question how germans could put someone like hitler into office, all you have to do is point to what we are seeing with trump. So many parallels. At least Germany can point to the devastated economy after ww1 as a reason for wanting a different type of candidate. I just hope hitler’s beer hall putsch doesnt end up being a january 6th parallel. Hitler gained power after. Hopefully trump gets sent packing instead.

  3. Blakeyo123 on

    Calling him “Stranger Things” star is like calling Robert Redford “Avengers: Endgame” star. Like yeah but also come on

  4. Clickityclackrack on

    Hitler was an artist, writer, supporter of science, veteran, vegetarian, and was a better public speaker.

    Trump is a hitler wannabe

  5. Youbunchadorks on

    Damn, the guy worked with Kubrick and they call him the “Stranger things” star. That’s sad

  6. QBRisNotPasserRating on

    Yeah remember when Trump opened concentration camps in 2017 to exterminate Jewish people? Me neither.

  7. TheRedoubtableChoice on

    No, it’s not an exaggeration. He is as close as we’ve seen in this country and it’s not that far away.

  8. I don’t like DT but there is zero similarities between the two and saying it makes them no better than the shit Trump says. Sorry 🤷‍♂️

  9. FartasticVoyage on

    It’s an exaggeration sure but Trump is def like Hitler in the mid 30s before his complete takeover. It’s unlikely Trump is gonna build concentration camps but the guy is literally using eugenics talking points about immigrants, has signaled he won’t leave office if elected, and he’ll use the army against the “enemy within”.

    I mean if that doesn’t make you a bit uncomfortable then I don’t know what to tell you.

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