Ich habe gerade den World Energy Outlook-Bericht der Internationalen Energieagentur überflogen, der heute veröffentlicht wurde: https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2024

Es wurden einige Bedenken hinsichtlich kritischer Mineralien wie Lithium und Kupfer geäußert … was mich dazu brachte, über die Zukunft unserer Laptops und Taschenelektronik (und ihrer Preise) nachzudenken, wenn die Welt den Ausbau von Elektrofahrzeugen fortsetzt.

Ich weiß, dass Elektrofahrzeuge nicht die Zukunft sind, aber sie werden einen großen Teil davon in Anspruch nehmen.

Will laptops and pocket electronics need to compete with cars in the future?
byu/DrSuperZeco inFuturology


  1. Not necessarily NEED, no – there is a LOT of work underway on other battery chemistries. If/when they go to market, we will have lithium ion for some stuff, and e.g. hydrogen for some, and sodium or iron air for yet others.

    The big question is when/if some of those reach market

  2. Yes. That’s what the pricing system is for– it’s basic econ. Demand for these materials goes up, and so the price of these materials goes up.

    The manufacturers of the devices will have to engineer solutions that reduce their use of these raw materials, cut something else to make up the difference, or increase the price of their offerings. There won’t be a scenario where one of these things cases to get produced, but they may be produced in different proportion based on demand, and pricing may affect the consumer’s choice on where to spend their money based on their needs.

  3. robotractor3000 on

    I wonder if asteroid mining will make some of these shortages less relevant

  4. This is already the case, especially in the years during and after corona. Many car producers had to slow down or stop the production because many chips very scarce. And this was caused by the big demand for consumer electronics.

  5. Reddituser45005 on

    I recently saw a video of an Audi off road vehicle that didn’t have the standard package of cockpit electronics. You set your phone into a dedicated slot on the dash and it handled everything through a dedicated app. I expect to see more of this, instead of expensive, unnecessary, and redundant electronics. I suspect most of us have seen that side by side of the old Radio Shack ad showing that their complete product line from the 80’s is now built into your phone. I expect to see a lot of auto and home electronics get integrated into your phone as a way to minimize recycling and resource usage

  6. MagicManTX86 on

    Car makers think that they own this, but Android and Apple Car Play have kind of let the Genie out of the bottle.

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