Italien verabschiedet ein Anti-Leihmutterschaftsgesetz, das schwulen Paaren faktisch die Elternschaft verbietet


  1. washingtonpost on

    ROME — Italy on Wednesday passed the West’s most restrictive law against international surrogacy, threatening would-be parents who use birth mothers abroad with jail time and severe fines in a move that critics say will chiefly target same-sex couples.

    Domestic surrogacy was already banned in Italy, as it is in some other countries and U.S. states, but the amended Italian law goes further, classifying surrogacy as a rare universal crime that transcends borders, like terrorism or genocide.

    The measure marks the strongest salvo yet in far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s bid to put a conservative stamp on Italian society, and it elevates surrogacy as a hot-button issue in the West’s raging culture wars.

    The law, passed last year by the lower house and effectively ensured by the Senate vote on Wednesday, also criminalizes work by Italian citizens employed as doctors, nurses and technicians in foreign fertility clinics that facilitate surrogacies.

    Read more here: [](

  2. SteakForGoodDogs on

    And thus, nothing was solved, time and money are wasted, ~~and children are harmed~~.

    A conservative classic.

  3. Puzzleheaded_Soup847 on

    after reading this I can understand why they would ban it because it leaves room for abuse and neglect however the real reason was probably political and not ethical

  4. Surrogacy for money is forbidden in Sweden too. Also, the parental right of the surrogate mother (if volunteering) is so strong they can change their mind after birth.

    In combination, those who look at this solution either pair up with lesbian women or go abroad for surrogacy.

  5. Never sure how it’s not universally seen as completely effed up and unethical to pay a woman to get pregnant and birth a child for you like a breeding device to rent.

  6. maybesaydie on

    They tried this a while back when Mussolini’s granddaughter first was elected.

  7. Infinite_Peanut1216 on

    Surrogacy is a dangerous and often predatory practice that is totally unnecessary. It should be banned globally.

    There are enough adoptable children around for every infertile parent. Risking the health and safety of the surrogate so you can have your pristine newborn while millions of kids need homes is sociopathic.

    The homophobia at the heart of this is unfortunate but I’m glad anytime I hear surrogacy is being banned.

  8. Cute_Chemical_4910 on

    that’s Good! Surrogacy is abomination, Pocreation itself is already bad enough. There are many orphans out there take care of them first.

  9. BetterKorea on

    Using women from 3rd world countries as your breeding cattle is bad, actually.

  10. SquirrelGirlSucks on

    A reminder that far right conservatism (fascism) is not just an issue in the US right now.

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