Trump wird wegen seines bevorstehenden McDonald’s-Stunts verärgert


  1. Striking-Giraffe5922 on

    McDonald’s might say NO because this fuckwit can’t stop shitting himself

  2. NeonRattlerz on

    This is fuckin absurd. The fact this fat fucking golden spoon in ass 🤡 is going to cosplay as a “worker” is not only insulting it is fucking infuriating.

  3. Repubs_suck on

    Because mocking jobs people have do to make an honest living is a brilliant Republican strategy. Everyone should be a lazy fuck living off the money from political donations you’re diverting into your own pocket.

  4. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    How is standing for a photo op in a McDonald’s uniform anything but a publicity stunt and a smack in the face to all workers? Ofc this is the man who told Detroit that Detroit sucked. But seriously work a week there Donald, hell even part time, your fat ass wouldn’t last a shift. Harris worked like the rest of us, trump has always lived with a silver spoon in his mouth.

  5. As if they’re gonna let him interact with any actual customers. Will be the easiest and least stressful “shift” in fastfood history.

  6. Harvest827 on

    He thinks he’s insulting Kamala Harris, but he’s insulting all fast food workers. Not that he cares.

  7. SympathyForSatanas on

    All jobs are dignified, and this imbecile is going to make fries as a way to make fun of kamala??

    This is middleschool type of bullying

  8. PedalBoard78 on

    He’s going to ruin the fryer, with all that orange pancake makeup.

  9. Him working at McDonald’s? HA!

    I bet he’s just there for the food. I mean didn’t he treat a sports team to a buffet of fast food during his years in the white house?

  10. Yeah, I think that’s not going to happen. MacDonalds is pretty well known for having a clean and sanitary kitchen. Dirty and soiled diapers really don’t fall in line with that.

  11. New_Function_6407 on

    McD’s worker: No you don’t throw water into the hot oil.

    Trump: F*k you. I do what I want.

    McD’s Worker: Hello 9-1-1-…

  12. MotherRaven on

    I want video and not an edited roll either. I want to see him work! It will be a first.

  13. PassengerNo1233 on

    This isn’t just a PR stunt. He’s attempting to both one-up Kamala—and own her in every sense of the word. He is so vile, stupid and transparent.

  14. Would anyone feel comfortable eating and MacDonalds after the Donald felt their food?

  15. ChipOld734 on

    Nooo!!!!! Don’t give him grief for this? It will be absolutely fantastic watching him clumsily try to do what actual workers do.

    It will piss off most real employees and cause others to laugh hysterically!

  16. Gold-Judgment-6712 on

    Why would McD allow this? He’s basically making fun of them and their employees.

  17. Sooowasthinking on

    If I worked at THAT McDonald’s I’d not come into work that day. The Orange Man is going to cook fries because why?

    Does he think that he’s “owning the libs” or is he showing that any regular dumbass can do the job?

    Can we get at least 1 employee to corner him on camera with a question about minimum wage needing to be $20 an hour on federal?!?!

  18. dwittherford69 on

    Mocking minimum wage workers… Brilliant strategy from stable genius

  19. RepresentativeNo3365 on

    This is what happened when you let a 78 year old with dementia, who wears depends , run his own campaign.

  20. Tiny_Independent2552 on

    Let’s see him assemble car, like he said a child could do. I’d love to see that one !

  21. Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad on

    Is Trump even food safe? He walks around with a shitty diaper on. I wouldn’t want him anywhere near my food. Not to mention the makeup. Orange sweat in the Big Mac sauce. Gross!

  22. Iforgotmylines on

    Someone should convince him to put ice in the fry basket before dropping it lol.

  23. just_forfunva on

    I’m just waiting for the pic of him wearing a hairnet!
    Pure gold!!

  24. Alternative-Fig-6814 on

    That sucks, cuz I really love McDonald’s. Going to see the king

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