as the moon orbit the earth
as the earth orbit the sun
as the sun orbit milky way
as the milky way orbit with everthing else in the universe…
everthing is in motion
Good_Bear4229 on
It is just The Laniakea Supercluster
ThisWasLeapYear on
The scale of this just blows my mind.
Galaxianz on
What’s with the lines?
dgc-8 on
No it isn’t the universe the “cosmic latte” looks uniform in every direction from a large scale so a map of it doesn’t make sense
dovetc on
What are these palm frond looking doodads, and what makes them think there’s a long one somewhere off to our…. uh east?
Fluffy-Anybody-8668 on
What do the lines mean?
duzra on
How do scientists know it looks like this?
ReflectionTop1677 on
Who took that picture!
QuijoteMX on
Such resolution!
RYPIIE2006 on
elden beast
Maj0r-DeCoverley on
Nah, it’s just the Laniakea supercluster. Tiny.
The universe is much larger, and assuming it is homogeneous at large scale then you need to imagine a roughly even distribution of such superclusters. Maybe an infinite distribution
Cautious_Ambition_82 on
How does physics explain the shape?
TrueBoot4567 on
Looks similar to neurons of the brain.
Sisyphus_on_a_Perc on
Imagine we’re just living a neuron in some cosmic being lol
Subject_Ad_9871 on
Just for scale, is the andromeda galaxy also on the red dot?
as the moon orbit the earth
as the earth orbit the sun
as the sun orbit milky way
as the milky way orbit with everthing else in the universe…
everthing is in motion
It is just The Laniakea Supercluster
The scale of this just blows my mind.
What’s with the lines?
No it isn’t the universe the “cosmic latte” looks uniform in every direction from a large scale so a map of it doesn’t make sense
What are these palm frond looking doodads, and what makes them think there’s a long one somewhere off to our…. uh east?
What do the lines mean?
How do scientists know it looks like this?
Who took that picture!
Such resolution!
elden beast
Nah, it’s just the Laniakea supercluster. Tiny.
The universe is much larger, and assuming it is homogeneous at large scale then you need to imagine a roughly even distribution of such superclusters. Maybe an infinite distribution
How does physics explain the shape?
Looks similar to neurons of the brain.
Imagine we’re just living a neuron in some cosmic being lol
Just for scale, is the andromeda galaxy also on the red dot?
What is the scale here?
[100,000 galaxies](
Ymir would like a word
How do they discover/know this? Any links?
Wow, it’s beautiful