Der ehemalige KKK-Führer David Duke lehnt Trump ab und unterstützt Jill Stein


  1. 54sharks40 on

    A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump, so the only thing relevant here is that apparently David Duke is still alive, which sucks

  2. ImperatorRomanum83 on

    I mean, is this actually more shocking than the pictures of her dining with Putin?

  3. And yet he’s technically endorsing both give the reason for her campaign.

  4. NeonRattlerz on

    Let’s finish reconstruction the way Sherman couldn’t. Burn out these racist kkk pos.

  5. JemmaMimic on

    My crystal ball tells me Trump will NOT tweet that he hates David Duke, even if he did hate David Duke – Trump knows plenty of Duke supporters will still vote for him.

  6. Traditional_Car1079 on

    Yeah so this way republicans don’t have to explain why the KKK has endorsed their candidate. Again.

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