Der zweite ukrainische Panzer schießt eine Granate direkt durch den außer Gefecht gesetzten russischen BTR-82


  1. Weekly-Strategy8135 on

    Honest question,

    how do we know who is who?
    Don’t get me wrong, would like the tanks to be UA and the BTR to be ruSSian..Just can’t see any marks

  2. RisenApe12 on

    Only three Russians managed to escape. The rest are still inside the BTR.

  3. That shell looked like it skipped along the ground like skipping a rock across water. Hopefully it ended up on russian position.

  4. ConstantCar7290 on

    why did they wait until they got out of the BTR before firing the 2nd shot?

  5. Sea-Direction1205 on

    We’re looking at the backside of the BTR. The doors are closed and are leaking white smoke.
    The BTR is filled with hot gasses without oxygen.

    The incoming shell hits something obscured by the fumes, perhaps the terrain at a shallow angle.
    Then the shell goes through the BTR front to back. And appears to exit near the backside upper left corner.
    More smoke starts pouring out at both ends. There are some yellow flames, but no billowing black gasoline fire yet.

  6. Uselesspreciousthing on

    The Russians who bailed are very lucky – otherwise they would’ve been wallpaper paste like their compatriots.

  7. CourseHistorical2996 on

    In the video, there is a third Ukrainian armoured vehicle approaching (top right).

  8. _Man-in-the-Middle_ on

    Even in World of Tanks this close range is a rare exception

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