Das Geheimnis der Drachenzähne geht weiter. Innerhalb von zwei Tagen haben die Fälle, in denen diese auf von russischen Militärfahrzeugen genutzten Straßen platziert wurden, nur noch zugenommen, und zwar nicht nur in der Region Kursk. Die roten Streifen, die solche Betonblöcke an Kontrollpunkten markieren, fehlen, wie Sie sehen können


Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    The mystery with the dragon’s teeth in the occupied territories is gaining momentum. Over two days, instances of these contraptions being placed on roads used by Russian military vehicles have only increased, appearing not only in the Kursk region.

    Dmitry Rogozin posted a photo stating ‘this is the road to Crimea, the section between the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions,’ 170 kilometers from the front line.

    He also added: ‘The red stripes that mark such concrete blocks at checkpoints, as you can see, are absent. The reflective sign warning of deadly danger is also missing.’

    Russians have no idea who places the dragon’s teeth: ‘What is this? Who left it here? With what intentions?

    Naturally, the vehicle is a write-off. The passengers sustained minor injuries only because the driver sharply reduced speed just before the impact.’

    Earlier, channels reported dozens of people who died or were seriously injured by these devices.


  2. Wasnt it revealed that the mystery is a heavy load hexacopter drone dropping them off on the road remotely?

  3. Accurate_Storm2588 on

    Have to appreciate the drag marks of that “tooth” being pushed by whatever hit it.

  4. Majestic-Elephant383 on

    They say the drones carry these there. it is just impossible. the teeth are at least 50Kg/ea or more. Those drones cannot carrry such an heavy load. It is impossible.

  5. Longjumping-Nature70 on

    These are the special inflatable Dragon’s teeth. It does not take much to stop poorly manufactured moscovian vehicles.

    I am guessing it is the fifth column grabbing moscovian dragon’s teeth, painting them or removing red reflective tape, and then repurposing them.

    No idea how they are being carried though.


  6. RoheSilmneLohe on

    It’s their yearly migration to the Führer-bunker.
    Do not disturb them.

  7. Abject-Interaction35 on

    Saint George’s dragons’ teeth appear like a miracle and eat orcs.

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