Der russische BTR-82A treibt bis zu zwei ukrainische Panzer an und wird zerstört. Kursk-Front.

Von jimmehi


  1. airborneben1 on

    When both sides use the same equipment, target ID must be a bitch….

  2. did that dude sneak out IN FRONT of the tank or just going into the direction of surrender?

  3. Balticseer on

    i think tank hesitated to shoot before. looking at that madmen and thinking the hell he is doing.

  4. Wow, how close can you let the enemy get before opening fire at them?

    That’s one of the closest armour on armour interactions I have seen in this war. They could have almost thrown a shell at that BTR at that distance!

  5. So many questions.

    Why they drive right into the enemy tank?
    Why is the tank hestitating to shoot?
    Why does it only shoot once?
    Why does a guy run into enemy territory after dismounting from BTR?
    Why do the other two peak from behind the BTR instead of immediately running away?

    This looks like a friendly fire accident. Or tank crew being ordered to shoot at retreating troops. BTR driver is aware of the tank and assumes it’s friendly – just makes a gentle turn to avoid crashing into it. If he assumed its the enemy the turn would be more chaotic turn. Dismounted BTR creem seems in disbelief that they are being shoot at.

    The reality of war is so fucking senseless.

  6. This is some War Thunder “I just bought a premium and don’t know how the game works” shit right here lol.

  7. Why are they acting so casually. Like “I guess we’re walking then 🤷🏻‍♂️”

    Is it sure that this wasn’t a blue on blue situation?

  8. NumerousCarpenter189 on

    What did he thought ? Really blue on red? And crew got got out of the BTR. I thought there would be nothing left.

  9. It looks like the first tank is smoking so the BTR crew might have thought it was disabled. Only reason I can think of besides failed friendly ID.

  10. TheFlyingRedFox on

    Just like the early conflict incident where the Rus tank obliterated the UA squad at blank range, IFF issues are such a bitch in this war.

  11. Was the grenade even armed? Too close and a strange event as the tanks remain stationary afterwards.

  12. DexDexDexina on

    I read the title and assumed that it’s probably a VBIED because it seems like the most logical answer but then I saw the survivors leave the BTR…

  13. TheGreatWhiteDerp on

    Reminds me of DMZ in Warzone. “Friendly, friendly, wanna squad up?” to be met with withering fire from the whole other squad. 🤣

  14. thinkscotty on

    Imagine being the gunner in that tank, watching this target drive right past you like it’s in the left lane on I-90.

  15. why you challange?
    in addition instead of running away i would put my hands up, cause there is no respawn

  16. AunMeLlevaLaConcha on

    The confusion of the tank crews, like “wtf, is this ours?”

    Their tactics didn’t confuse nor scared the Ukrainians

  17. Then_Drag_8258 on

    It’s like when my dog’s lying down and lazily snaps at a fly that wanders too close. But more brutal.

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