An diesem Tag vor 40 Jahren scheiterte ein Putschversuch von General Nicolae Militaru gegen den rumänischen Diktator Nicolae Ceaușescu, weil die Soldaten, die den Plan ausführen sollten, zur Maisernte geschickt wurden

Von OsarmaBeanLatin


  1. > A Securitate plot to depose Ceaușescu existed in the early 1980s, and he is known to have joined in 1984, adding an Army dimension.[7] Following the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, Militaru requested the Soviet leader’s backing for an anti-Ceaușescu coup d’état; this was rejected.[8]

  2. “So mister Militaru, what kind of work do you do?”

    “You’re not gonna believe this.”

  3. A piece of shit like the rest of the communists. He was just another murderer, his allegience was not with Ceausescu but the GRU/KGB.

  4. And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for your meddling corn!

  5. This guy’s affiliation to the KGB were found out by a counter information officer, named Gheorghe Trosca. That officer was at the time of the revolution in ’89 a counter terrorist colonel and was sent to the defense ministry building on a mission on the 24th. There, in the office, was Militaru, now the interim Defense Minister or something like that, who gave the orders for Trosca and his squad of 8 to come. As soon as they arrived, heavy guns opened fire on the group. Trosca was beheaded, his head put up on the fence of the ministry, with a cigarette in his mouth, their bodies desecrated and left there, in the streets. Militaru died at the age of 71, in 1996. I think this whole story is enough to tell everything there is to know about the Revolution in ’89.

  6. DepressedMetalhead69 on

    ok but like, I love the fact that there’s an alternate reality where a guy names militaru is a military dictator

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