Ukrainischer Angriff auf ein russisches Übungsgelände in der Südukraine. Oktober 2024

Von jisooya1432


  1. Comfortable_Pea_1693 on

    Apparently Ukraine got a shipment of cluster himars ammo recently.

  2. gaintsmooth on

    Every day I read reports about how close things are in Ukraine and then I watch these videos at the same time.

    What an absolutely senseless slaughter, where Russia is using its own citizens as resources for an imperialistic war… What a shit in the 21st century.

    I thought we’d all fly to Mars together this century instead of killing each other….

  3. Goatwhatsup on

    If they really wanted to win a war they’d be going for the source off the rip. They just want you to go die

  4. Very accurate hit. I’m guessing it’s a HIMARS M30A1 warhead. I’m surprised there were men still standing after that.

  5. Beretta116 on

    This is like that scene in Modern Warfare 1 where you drop bombs from a gunship.

  6. Excellent training regimen, now they are fully prepared for what certainly awaits them.

  7. External_Reaction314 on

    Ahh yes, I see some russians progressed to firing ak47, 5 rounds. Must be near end of training for them. Be a shame if something were to happen…..

  8. anon_runner on

    I have been on this sub for some months, and I only see footage where Ukrainians are hitting and Russians are dying …. But never the reverse, I wonder why.

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