In Japan ansässiges Team verkündet Erfolg bei der Organtransplantation zwischen verschiedenen Arten
Laut Bericht könnten US-Truppen auf japanischen und philippinischen Inseln stationiert werden, wenn China in Taiwan einmarschiert
Der Ausstieg aus Google Chromes uBlock Origin hat begonnen
deaflon on 16.10.2024 9:19 AM Does this also affect Edge as it’s also compatible with Chrome extensions?
FarVehicle5333 on 16.10.2024 9:27 AM Consider this: most people don’t even bother with adblockers. The majority of people don’t care about ads.
Google Chrome resigns itself to the browser graveyard.
My Google Chrome phaseout has begun months ago.
Goodbye chrome, hello brave and firefox
Does this also affect Edge as it’s also compatible with Chrome extensions?
They’re probably gonna fuck over Firefox somehow, aren’t they?
what does this mean for chromium-based browsers?
Google phaseout as well 😂
Consider this: most people don’t even bother with adblockers. The majority of people don’t care about ads.
The sequel is to this movie is The Return of The Firefox.