Bruno Kahl, Chef des deutschen Auslandsgeheimdienstes, glaubt, dass Russland innerhalb der nächsten sechs Jahre in der Lage sein wird, Nato-Territorium anzugreifen. „Der Kreml betrachtet die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Feind“, erklärte er.


  1. Dizzy-South9352 on

    Yes, we’ve known this for two years already. can we now do something about it? or we just gonna continue picking our noses?

  2. RidetheSchlange on

    So reels are sources of breaking news from years ago that everyone has already known for years and it’s the basis of the west’s support of Ukraine?

    Reels are not news. Post original sources. This is how information becomes susceptible to corruption and influence by russian hybrid warfare tactics. Plus reels just recycle old material anyhow.

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