Veröffentlicht am 15.10.2024.


  1. Left-Government-7852 on

    So, ignore the Geneva convention and become as low as the opposition, is what the guy named trumpersRtraitors says. Huh.

  2. Firm-Sandwich8087 on

    Good, don’t leave a single one of em alive and make it slow.

  3. The 155th is a brutish, criminal, organization that doesn’t learn from its mistakes. It doubles down.

    Aside from its war crimes, its principal fault is not having sense for either a tactical or operational ambush. Guess we’ll get to see Putin’s next *”Ship of Theseus”* with however many iterations the next version represents, probably with 100% more canner-grade north Korean puppy chow.

  4. Metron_Seijin on

    Wonder how long until they get totally wiped out again and have to refill their ranks. They should rename it the 155th of Theseus at this point.

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