23andMe-Datenschutzverletzung: Ein Vergleich könnte den Opfern von Datenschutzverletzungen 10.000 US-Dollar einbringen



  1. Could, but won’t. Victims will get a coupon for $3 off their next DNA test.

  2. CatalyticDragon on

    “23andMe has said that it will pay out up to $10,000 with an “Extraordinary Claim” to users who can verify that they suffered hardships as a direct result of their information being stolen in the data breach that resulted in unreimbursed costs. This includes costs resulting from “identity fraud or falsified tax returns,” from acquiring physical security systems, or from receiving mental health treatment.”

  3. > The suit also accused 23andMe of not notifying certain customers with Chinese or Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry that their data was targeted specifically and spread on the dark web.

    How oddly specific in their discrimination.

  4. The data is in the wind. 23andMe doesn’t have many chips to bargain with. Senior creditors get to liquidate the office equipment.

  5. sunk-capital on

    Two articles in the day before the reverse split. Lets talk about 1) fake news 2) market manipulation

  6. 10% discount on a DNA subscription if paying 1 year in advance most likely

  7. I got it as a gift. It told me I was highly likely to be lactose intolerant, but my 4 siblings and I don’t have any issue consuming dairy products. What can they do with data that’s not entirely accurate.

  8. tradeforfood on

    Thank goodness I sequenced my own DNA in undergrad for my genetic ancestry.

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