Ein Gesetz, das es Gardaí erlaubt, Menschen anzuweisen, bei Protesten die Gesichtsbedeckung abzunehmen, wird angenommen


Von Important_Farmer924


  1. That_Technician_439 on

    Good news

    If you can be directed to leave an area under section 8 of public order act

    You can/should be able to tell people remove face coverings too

  2. I expect this to be challenged and quashed because it doesn’t sound like it’s distinguishing enough between deliberate identity concealment coverings, and face coverings for medical/public health purposes.

  3. CthulhusSoreTentacle on

    A nice little attack on all our civil liberties because the government and guards were unwilling to tackle far-right extremism when it was first starting to rear it’s ugly head.

  4. InfinityGamerIE on

    Can we get the unidentifiable ‘gardai’ to remove theirs as well?

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