Russell Brand bietet Ihnen jetzt ein böses abwehrendes Zauberamulett an


  1. It’s funny that the sex offender to right wing stooge pipeline now goes in reverse. They preemptively make a turn to the political right and then say “they’re going to cancel me because of wrongspeak” directly before a months long investigation is published

  2. QuietIntention5 on

    I’m not convinced that’s a good deal, $240 would buy me a whole lot of tin foil.

  3. Marcapls21 on

    He’s evil and looks like he repels people so is it actually just him in disguise as an amulet?

  4. sometimesifeellikemu on

    I don’t want to see his face. Please stop posting this crap.

  5. Antennangry on

    I want to buy one of these and test the shit out of it in my RF lab so I can prove how bullshit it is.

  6. EmporerPenguino on

    Couldn’t have picked a better picture. “Accused rapist in the headlights look.” Hope the amulet grift blows up in your face.

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