Das russische Militär beschwert sich darüber, dass im hinteren Teil der Region Kursk auf seinen Versorgungs- und Evakuierungsstraßen plötzlich jemand beschlossen habe, Panzerabwehrsperren, sogenannte „Drachenzähne“, zu errichten. Dies führte zur Verletzung und zum Tod Dutzender russischer Soldaten


Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Russian military complain that in the rear of the Kursk region, on their supply and evacuation roads, someone suddenly decided to set up anti-tank barriers, “dragon’s teeth.”

    Which led to the injuries and deaths of dozens of Russian servicemen. As one of the Russian sources says:

    “On the evacuation routes where cars rush from fpv drones at 150 km/h.
    Without any identification marks. More than 40 people died in just one day, the same number is injured. More accidents in an hour than fpv records in a week.”


    A photograph of one of the cars that collided at speed with “dragon’s teeth” in the Rylsk district of the Kursk region.



  2. Inglorious555 on

    Maybe they should look where they’re going and learn to apply the brakes

    Also they have no right to complain, they chose to join the RuZZian army, they made their bed so they can sleep in it (Hopefully forever)

  3. RoachdoggJR_LegalAcc on

    That’s honestly hilarious. Either they are too incompetent and they did that to themselves, or some crazy mf made those in his back yard and deployed them in the dark of the night knowing full well cars of drunk Russian servicemen would slam full speed into them.

  4. Hey Vlad,

    Maybe you should simply get the hell out of Ukraine? There is a special place in hell for you and your genocidal military.

    Slava Ukraini.

  5. * Orc A: “Drive down that road and deliver the supplies once you get to the end.”
    * Orc B: “Do I come back the same way?”
    * Orc A: “… Come back?” *<Visibly confused>*

  6. Trolley problem in action. Either die by drone or die by your own blockade.

  7. Successful-Owl-3968 on

    Ukraine should stir them up by saying that they deployed the obstacles with their latest Biiig heavy lift drone…

  8. The russian army has a reputation for mass-murdering their own soldiers if thy run from the frontlines. A new method but not really news.

  9. Gerrut_batsbak on

    There is no way that only 40 people die of fpv drones in a week..

  10. Longjumping-Nature70 on

    according to moscovian military doctrine, you are not to retreat, you only go forward to be a sacrifice for fuhrer putinazi.

    “we are lucky, they are so fucking stupid.”

    In America, we can now use these videos for driver’s education.

  11. bjorn1978_2 on

    Actually… this is really smart! If smaller groups of maybe 4 Ukranian servicemen were to move behind the lines, and just find larger rocks to place on the road… it would not be as effective as these, but they are easily installed during the night. And if the cars are driving flat out, it does not take a large rock to fuck up that car and whoever is inside.

    But the most fun would of course be to make a jump. Painted black and with the lines. Just to see how far a russian car can jump. Anyone alive after the landing will be so confused and beaten up that they will be easy pray.

  12. dziobak112 on

    First Russian soldier: “Hey, Vania, do you think we should let the others know that we are blocking the way?”

    Second Russian soldier, already drunk: “Huh? Ivan, we got orders to secure the road, not to make calls. Why are you making everything so complicated? Come on, we are done here, let’s go and drink.”

  13. “Oooh nooo life is inconvenient! How could the Ukrainians do this to us!!!” — Russians

  14. RowdyHooks on

    What in the hell was someone thinking doing that? You need to paint that shit matte black, dawg!!!

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