Neun Affen sterben auf mysteriöse Weise im Zoo von Hongkong


  1. _Deloused_ on

    Hey they told them no more jumping on the bed, but those monkeys never listen

  2. PatRice695 on

    Do your best monkey virus. I’ll fe waiting patiently for your arrival

  3. great_whitehope on

    Leave these poor sick monkeys alone, they’ve problems enough as it is!

  4. hairynips007 on

    Which monkey had the most to gain from their deaths, that’s what we should be asking

  5. monkeysuffrage on

    Discount Brad Pitt and discount Bruce Willis unavailable for comment.

  6. Young_Economist on

    Pack the toilet paper, the yeast packages and prepare for another two year stay at home hiatus.

  7. Since no comments yet actually imply anyone read the article…

    The ninth monkey died on Sunday after 8 other monkeys, of various species, died in days prior. They were all in the mammal section of the same zoo. Government authorities are expediting testing while the zoo focuses on sanitation.

    My opinion: Since this unknown cause has killed only a few monkeys across several exhibits, rather than several within the same exhibit (which is likely how a virus would behave) I would guess that this is something environmental. Possibly a bacteria, but I’m thinking it’s more likely to be tainted food. Monkey groups seem to have hierarchies where the strongest gets more food than others, so it’s possible the stronger ones of these various monkey groups were eating more of whatever was causing these deaths. Hopefully, we’ll see in the following days and weeks.

  8. Monkeys got out for a night on the town eating at the local street vendors.

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