Sean „Diddy“ Combs wird in neuen Gerichtsverfahren sexuelle Übergriffe auf sechs Personen, darunter eine Minderjährige, vorgeworfen


  1. New-Strategy8824 on

    This is so sick! They need to lock him up forever, and throw away the keys! 

  2. PrincessBananas85 on

    I will be really surprised if he doesn’t get life in prison.

  3. periodicsheep on

    lock him up with r kelly and let them spend eternity with only each other for company.

  4. cyanide4suicide on

    If true, I’m not entirely surprised that a minor was assaulted. The rich and powerful have a way of letting their disgusting behaviors run rampant.

    To think that a minor was involved in all of those gang rape sex rings is depressing and shows how having money and power lets you get away with all sorts of depraved shit without anyone blinking an eye

  5. Relative-Monitor-679 on

    Can we ask worldometer to keep a tracker for P Diddy’s accusers.

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