Obwohl Hoigh eine Verschwörung betrachtete, eine Zeitleiste ihres Lebens, entlarvt ihr Vater und Großvater alle Erzählungen der Sängerin über sie, die als armes Kind ohne Geld kämpfte, von ihrer Mutter aus ihrem Haus geworfen und dazu verurteilt wurde, in einer Wohnwagensiedlung zu leben, nicht Sie hatte genug Geld, um von ihrer Familie Kakaobällchen zu kaufen, und sang für Geld in Bars in Brooklyn … In Wirklichkeit besuchte sie die besten Eliteschulen und Universitäten an der Ostküste.

Von YukitoGaraga


  1. Ok-Bat-2834 on

    no “famous” actor / singer whatever is just a random come up story all these people are related to someone high up already

  2. StarfleetGo on

    No one gets famous or wealthy on accident. You are either family or an allowed servant. 

  3. casinoinsider on

    She’s been known as an industry plant, pretty sure that’s why she disappeared for a bit and came back. For the generation that didn’t know she’s completely manufactured and dogshit.

  4. Severe_Quantity_4039 on

    No entertainer is just found anymore. Either mommy and daddy are rich and influential or know someone with connections

  5. geeksaresexygirl on

    Also had sex with Weinstein straight to thee top and she talked openly about it.

  6. SaigonDisko on

    Pretty sure one of the first articles I ever read about lizzy grant (blue jeans/born to die breaking era) said she had a rich dad and went to posh schools, did some flowery bought degree. Maybe was in the NME. 

    Never actually heard this counter story tbh. 

  7. ThatDamnRocketRacoon on

    This has been know for a long, long time. Her fake backstory got exposed almost immediately after Video Games got popular. She’s always faced backlash and everything about her image has always been carefully manufactured. Not really a conspiracy. Just marketing to match her “old Hollywood” facade. Never got why it makes people so mad. You either like her music or you don’t. You don’t need to be friends with the woman or even respect her.

  8. Well duh. I knew the first time I heard a song from her she was from money. Poor people don’t write those songs. It drips of old money. The whole persona

  9. Hollywood-is-DOA on

    She can’t sing without auto tune and is terrible live. Most people in Hollywood came with a sob story and look at ice cube, he didn’t come from poverty.

  10. Dapper-Log-5936 on

    You can be from wealth and still get cut off from your family/bitchy mom and do all the things she claimed. The 2 are not mutually exclusive..

  11. CaBBaGe_isLaND on

    Bruh… “account executive” is another word for “salesperson.” You’re saying her mom was a sales rep for a motor oil company? Not knocking the profession, but it ain’t exactly getting you into the country club.

  12. While this is true, it would take a fan/follower of hers to know the extended truth.

    She did live in a trailer park. She did sing in shitty bars before “making it.” While her family was rich, she ran off with a hillbilly boyfriend and lived with him in his trailer, presumably for a while.

    I guess you could say “I lived in a trailer” with a straight face after that.

  13. anonymousquestioner4 on

    I mean none of this is conspiracy, her own fans know all this, but where the rabbit hole goes deeper is that she’s been known to show many occult references and signals. Someone connected her to order of the golden dawn or something. Personally I think she’s a Jesuit, and I also think that she DID go off and cosplay as poor due to the trauma of her relationship with her mother. She writes and acts like someone with serious attachment issues (I would know) so i do think she genuinely did all the things she said, but not because she “had” to, but because she wanted to.

  14. AthleticDonkey on

    She has a very wealthy father. Rob Grant. Multimillionaire before she got famous.

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