Einem Bericht zufolge hat Präsident Biden seinen Nationalen Sicherheitsrat stillschweigend beauftragt, Iran zu warnen, dass die USA alle von Teheran unterstützten Attentate gegen den ehemaligen Präsidenten Donald Trump als Kriegshandlung betrachten würden.

    Berichten zufolge hat die Harris-Biden-Regierung den Iran hinter den Kulissen dazu gedrängt, seine Verschwörungen gegen Trump und andere ehemalige Mitglieder seiner Regierung einzustellen, da der US-Gegner verstärkte Sicherheitsbedrohungen auslöste.

    „Wir betrachten dies als eine nationale und innere Sicherheitsangelegenheit von höchster Priorität und verurteilen den Iran aufs Schärfste für diese dreisten Drohungen“, sagte NSC-Sprecher Sean Savett in einer Erklärung.

    „Sollte der Iran einen unserer Bürger angreifen, einschließlich derjenigen, die weiterhin für die Vereinigten Staaten dienen oder früher gedient haben, wird der Iran mit schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen rechnen.“ – Quelle

    Bereits im September informierte Bidens DNI Trump über angebliche iranische Attentatsversuche auf ihn. – Quelle

    Von External-Noise-4832


    1. Graphicism on

      Biden has repeatedly labeled Trump a “genuine danger” to democracy, warning that a second term could lead to America’s collapse…

      Yet, now he’s positioning himself as Trump’s protector, despite the fact that an American soldier dies every year at the hands of Iranian-backed forces.

      Why is Biden suddenly holding special someone he believes will collapse the nation?

    2. unclehelpful on

      So if Iran was really angry about trump blowing up that guy 4 years ago before COVID why would they wait until now during the US election cycle to try and kill him?

      If you think Iran or anyone else wants trump gone more than internal influences you must be about as with it as Joe is.

    3. draggedbyatruck on

      So in other words, they want to get in a war with Iran. Between this possible smokescreen and the news of our troops being sent to the Middle East, it sounds like they’re just begging for an excuse.

      Tinfoil hat, maybe, but I don’t trust this administration.

    4. Killing Trump and having a pretense for war with Iran is a win win for the deep state; don’t believe the lie that Iran has any motive here

    5. HenreyLeeLucas on

      Now the conspiracy take would be that this if another cuba missle crisis deal where an attempt gives the us an easy step into war, however the human in me see’s this as a good thing with American standing up for and it’s civilians which is a rare fucking sight these days

    6. jethuthcwithe69 on

      If Iran killed any us citizen on us soil, it would be an act of war.

    7. HoneyMushroomHunter on

      So they can get everything they want with a big red bow…

    8. So this is the “bomb them into war” thing netanyahoo was talking about?

    9. Ah ja I see we have a infiltrator in our midst, take em to ze.. back…

    10. ElLoboStrikes on

      They eliminate trump and get to go to war , its a win win for them

    11. Of course this is how they’ll get him. Assassinate and they get the war that’s been wanted for decades.

    12. Looks like the CIA has the motive X 2. If Trump is elected, the CIA will be shattered once RFK releases the evidence that the CIA killed JFK. So they tell their puppet to say this so that they can thwart Trump from being president and they get their war with Iran too. Iran has zero reason to kill Trump. If anything Trump is good for Iran because Trump is the peace president and is all about making deals to keep the peace.

    13. Direct-Money-4206 on

      Lol this is to throw us off that to the fact that his party is most probably trying to kill Trump. This is how they do things… lie.

    14. Rowebot111 on

      They are going to elect trump, then kill him. It will be a false flag. They will blame it on Iran, and bring American into the war officially, get Americans to fully support the war. It will be the beginning of the third, and final world war, similar to the assassination of Frans Ferdinand. Then, the new world order will roll out. Mark my words, this has been the plan for decades. A certain society wants it this way. Be prepared, America.

    15. panspermia_ on

      Last week, Trump literally said Biden should do this on the Flagrant podcast.

      “Iran has an open threat out for me. And Biden, if he were a real President, if he were the kind of guy he should be, should say ‘If anybody shoots a former President … , we will bomb that country into oblivion.'”


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