Angebliches Munitionsdepot heute Abend im Libanon getroffen

Von Imaginary-Relief-236


  1. JonClaudSanchez on

    Based off those secondary explosions i don’t think the word alleged is necessary

  2. CCCmonster on

    Clearly an orphanage that had just received their yearly allotment of pop rocks

  3. Jazzlike_Note1159 on

    I dont understand Israels desire to spread the war to Lebanon. I mean from Netanyahu POV it makes sense, the data clearly shows war boosts his ratings. Has the Israel really come to a point where state mind completely given in to certain politicians personal ambitions? That is fatal for a country like Israel which has constant existential security problems.

    Israelis who lived in north of Israel migrated inwards, fearing Hezbullah attacks. It is october and children cant start school. Businesses cant go to work. It looks like the whole Israeli society stopped thinking straight.

  4. I could have sworn it was a hospital turn children’s school turned monestary?

  5. BukayoSwaka on

    How do they always know where the storage is?
    Drone survaillance? Paid informants? Interrogations? A combination?

  6. Well it was that or itchy and scratchy finally made it to that fireworks factory.

  7. ouattedephoqueeh on

    Remember: Israel are the assholes for blowing it up and harming civilians. Hezbollah bears zero responsibility.

    *Sarcasm for the artistic folks who don’t get it.*

  8. ThirstyOne on

    Just how many fireworks factories inside gas stations which are also hospitals are there in Lebanon?

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