1. This is going to be unworkable and will likely be delayed over and over again until it is scrapped. Also how they announced all of this has been very cart before the horse.

  2. Jarofkickass on

    Another example of Australia’s over reaching government thinking it has more power than it actually does

  3. ThinkExtension2328 on

    The death of social media is finally here ow iv dreamed of this day, this is actually fine. Finally people have a push to yeet them off the cesspool of social media.

  4. parker_fly on

    “For the children!” has been used to usher in government control since time immemorial.

  5. statisticalmean on

    Hi, ignorant American here — what the hell is happening down there?

  6. thereznaught on

    Governments everywhere want everyone uploading extremely personal data on insecure servers for some reason. It’s the dumbest thing ever. IDs should be hard copies. Everything else can be stolen. Privacy is becoming a thing of the past even more so than it was before.

  7. hanleybrand on

    In the US we don’t even have an actual federal ID. They’ve been trying to roll one out for like a decade, but since we all lost the civil war each state has to implement their own version.

  8. Pirate_Secure on

    One wonders if Australia can even be considered a free state at this rate.

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